Club Cricket Conference

Monday, 21st October 2024

CCC Advisory

Member clubs have access our new, and evolving, advisory services.

The service will be developed in the lead uo to and during the 2012 season.  In many instances there is already good advice available, from the ECB and member clubs' own County Boards and part of our function is to ensure that we focus the attention of clubs on the source of the advice which already exists. Many clubs will also have skilled administrators and managers within their midst. However, in case where advice appropriate to a club's particular circumstances is not available we will help find the answers and we shall also publish advice which cannot be found elsewhere, particularly on the many non-cricketing administrative problems that come to frustrate club officers everywhere.

Initially questions will be answered by email.  Ideas for FAQs are welcome and should be sent to  We shall also be monitoring the Forum closely to identify needs.

CCC Advisory will be:

  • a valuable knowledge base for club cricket
  • free to Member clubs
  • located all in one place
  • easily accessible from the Members' area of the Conference website

The advice is aimed at clubs of all standards and stages of development from new clubs just starting up, or making the move from park pitches to their own ground, and for Premier League or long established clubs with very different challenges.

It is extremely unlikely that any problem which your club faces today has not been dealt with by others in the Membership at some time in the past. CCC Advisory will act as the central Knowledge Bank to source answers to your problems, and if we can't find the solution immediately, then we most certainly know a man who can!!

We have recently been dealing with case of a club facing a huge increase in rates from their local council; a disturbing case of a club which faced abuse from a visiting team; a club anxious about a tax issue over their bar income; a club with spare pitch capacity on Sundays; and yet another club which did not know where to obtain a particular flag!

For examples of problems which we have already identified, please access the Advisory FAQs by logging in to the members area. All issues displayed are not attributable to any particular club, for reasons of confidentiality. Your problem could be the next to be added to our list for the benefit of other Members.

Equally, if we come across an issue for which we have no ready answer, we will use the Advisory service and/or Forum as the basis of a request for experiences from our Membership. This will then be added to our Knowledge Bank for future use.