Club Cricket Conference

Thursday, 13th February 2025

Welcome to the CCC Forum

The new CCC Forum is now open to everyone to use – not just CCC members. 

You can add a new Topic or Comment on an existing Topic and we welcome your contribution. We hope that new style Forum will become a valuable resource for the exchange of ideas, to engage in constructive debates and to seek and offer advice on all cricket matters.

Click on a Topic to see the Comments from other forum users.

All comments will be moderated so you may not see your contribution immediately.

Advertising by or on behalf of commercial undertakings is not permitted on the Forum. However banner advertisements are available on the site at attractive rates.  Prospective advertisers should email Gulfraz Riaz or contact him on 07968 443546.

Fantasy Cricket

Hello Mates,

Any one of you know how to play fantasy cricket @ I done signup recently in this site, but as I am new to fantasy cricket I am really confused in picking right c

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Last post by James_Taylor
Wednesday, 17th August 2016
Player dual registration

Has anyone been involved with leagues that allow dual-registration (perhaps for under 19s) or that allow registration for two clubs in an area where they play in different leagues within the same coun

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Last post by TonyM
Tuesday, 4th August 2015
Boxing Day

Pacific CC in Islington planned a match this Boxing Day on the artificial at Wray Crescent about half a mile north of the Emirates. Homerton CC can no longer play so we have an XI, 2 umpires & a score

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Last post by Pacific
Saturday, 13th December 2014
League cricket - answers are needed

The recent ECB survey is not reliable, based on only two years, but it suggests club cricket participation is declining. Perhaps leagues and clubs are not providing what players would like. The appeti

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Last post by Charles Randall
Monday, 8th December 2014
New CCC Forum

Congratulations to the CCC on opening up this Forum, let's hope it receives plenty of traffic and some interesting comments for other users to consider.
Well done

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Last post by
Saturday, 15th November 2014
Fireworks pay for ground maintenance

Just for information to Clubs, Totteridge Millhillians CC, despite being surrounded by competition, had a record 2500 visitors last Friday night, compared to 2000 the year before. Takings on the nigh

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Last post by Robert Book
Friday, 14th November 2014
New forum

This forum gives you the opportunity to air your views, ask questions or to comment on Topics already being discussed. It is the forum for all Club Cricket matters.

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Last post by admin
Friday, 14th November 2014
Ramprakash England Coach

I think that it worthwhile noting that Ramps is joining another ECB coach who joined as a Club player.
Peter Such became the U-19 bowling coach from his playing days at Totteridge Millhillians

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Last post by Robert Book
Tuesday, 11th November 2014