Club Cricket Conference

Tuesday, 25th March 2025

Free Online Bureau Services

As well as being able to view fixtures and grounds for hire. once registered clubs are now able to offer fixtures and grounds for hire.

Online fixture bureau
The Online Bureau is available free to clubs seeking emergency and longer term fixtures.  It uses the Conferences established grading structure to match teams of like strength. In addition to providing emergency fixtures for Member clubs  to replace opposition who have dropped out at short notice, the online facility also enables Clubs to seek and agree fixtures for the whole of the forthcoming season.  

Online ground hiring bureau
A new feature enables clubs to offer, or search, grounds for daily or longer term hire.  This service is also free to Member clubs and can be used to plan for the forthcoming season. 

Manned fixture bureau
The manned Fixture Bureau offers an unrivalled depth of knowledge in matching opposition, This will continue to operate as an emergency fixture bureau on the same chargeable basis (£13.00 + VAT per fixture) and can be reached on 07859 924683.

Fixture Bureau operation & how to rate your team strength can be found here


Joining the Club Cricket Conference
If your Club  is not already a member you may register your Club details and pay your subscription using the yellow Join Now button at the top of the right hand side bar. 

Joining us will offer your Club all the benefits and privileges of Membership including the eligibility of your players to represent the Conference.