Club Cricket Conference

Monday, 21st October 2024

Simon Prodger

Well, Dear Reader, when the passionate die, you can be sure that they die just a tad frustrated.

No matter the extent of their well-documented successes and their achievements, and in Simons case they were substantial, they have that “slightly unfulfilled legacy” air about their departure.

When Simon Prodger died over the Easter weekend, we lost one of the most passionate men I have ever had the privilege of knowing.  We met as colleagues in uncharted cricketing circles; became firm friends, colleagues, confidants and fellow parent, grandparent, trustee; and finally, directors of causes close to our obviously fragile hearts.

My personal condolences go out to his family, Lyn and the girls, his parents Peter and Myrtle and brother Michael, who will miss the amazing energy which he put into ensuring their future happiness.  They are also part of my message to his close coterie of friends who will equally miss the enthusiasm which he poured into his relationships and associations.

For the rest of us who follow in his wake, we will not be advocating memorial trophies or competitions.  We will, instead, be endeavouring to ensure that a few more bits of his dream come true.  As you might imagine the holes left in our firmament are gaping and almost irreconcilable, but we must try to soldier on and ensure that his legacy of fairness, strength and support for others moves forward through us.

The world of Club Cricket is grieving the loss of a titan, and we owe him a glimpse of the future he could see, but not quite touch.

With my colleagues in the Club Cricket Charity and the Club Cricket Conference, we shall endeavour to make the grassroots game grow in the way Simon envisaged and worked for most of his life in his native Kenya, in the UK, and even in Hertfordshire!

It is the family’s wish to ensure his legacy through donations to his favourite charities and we hope that you will feel that this can be achieved.

Kwaheri and God Speed Old Mate!

Stay safe
