Club Cricket Conference

Saturday, 22nd February 2025

British Tamils Cricket League - Press Statement

British Tamals Cricket League (BTCL) is shocked and deeply saddened by the death of Bavalan Pathmanathan who was fatally injured while batting for Manipay Parish Sports Club at Long Ditton Recreation grounds in Surbiton, Surrey on Sunday 5th July 2015. He is originally from the humble suburbs of Jaffna, Northern part of Sri Lanka. Nearly five years ago Bavalan moved to the United Kingdom and grew as a valuable member of the Tamil community here in the United Kingdom. It is very unfortunate this young man, who survived the brutal civil war in Sri Lanka, had to face the ultimate tragedy of his life in the face of the sport he loved the most.  Bavalan will be profoundly missed and always remembered.

Please download the full press statement here BritishTamilsCLPressStatement.docx

Our related website article can be found here